Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech Codes: Good Idea, But Does Not Work

Speech codes are necessary rules that help maintain order and peace at universities, however when put to the test, these rules do not work. Every time the speech codes have been challenged it has been overturned by the Supreme Court. Speech codes are like the rules that are in my assignment note book at school about harassing kids. Rules that forbid kids from starting rumors, or giving dirty looks. These rules cannot be enforced, kids cannot get in trouble for committing these actions. They are just there as a scare, so that kids do not do it. The speech codes that are used in college are great rules that imply good morals on the students, and definitely should be followed. However, there are students out that there that do not believe in those rules and morals. Which is why speech codes can never work. When a fraternatiy decides to hold fake slave auctions, such as the case UWM Post v. Board of Regents of University of Wisconsin, and these students were punished because they violeated the University of Wisconsin's speech codes. When this case was taken to the Supreme Court, it was reversed and the students were not punished. The Supreme Court claimed that the University of Wisconsin was limiting the students' freedom of speech by not allowing them to hold fake slave auctions and express racist opinoins. This is the reason why speech codes do not work because they are too broad in their rules and they limit students freedom of speech. The universities are not allowed to punish students for expressing unpopular opinoins.

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