Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Part 2: Methods of Execution

After looking over the methods of execution, the only one that I can almost see as a humane way of killing someone would be the lethal injection. Even though it does have its downsides to it, it seems like a much more peaceful and less gruesome way of killing someone. The fact that it puts the convict to sleep as it kills them seems much less painful than the other methods of killing someone. In the way of hanging, there are too many factors that need to go right for this to a painless execution. If one measurement is wrong it can then lead to a very painful method. Not only that, but in a modern day society, we should not be executing people in a way that has been used for hundreds of years. It seems too outdated to be used as a method for today. The firing squad method seems very cruel because if someone does not hit the right spot, not only does the convict not die instantaneously, but it also seems like it would hurt a great amount. It also does not sound too humane by simply shooting a person. The electric chair seems very cruel because of the fact that it may take multiple tries to electrically kill someone. Not only that but the description of the after affect sounds extremely gruesome. The fact that a person's eyeballs hang down to their cheeks on some occasions, seems a tad bit too inhumane to be legal in this country. The gas chamber has been proven to be very painful and can take a very long time, this does not seem like a very good way to execute people. Even though some may argue that the death penalty for these brutal criminals does not need to be humane, I feel that the death penalty in itself is inhumane, and if they are going to have it in our country then lethal injection is the best way to go.

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