Sunday, December 12, 2010

Women deserve a Choice

The first website that I looked at was the NARAL-Prochoice America. They brought up many good points about why pro-choice is the right law to have in America. But the main focus of their website was about how people are making it harder and harder for women to get abortions now days. The site goes into detail about how doctors who perform abortions are being threatened by pro life extremists. Dr. George Tiller was killed because he provided abortion services. Money should not be something that should be an issue if someone wants to get an abortion. There are so many women that are under the poverty line and rely on the government for their health care. By not having the government cover abortion, it is basically forcing women to have a child because they are unable to pay for it. The other website I looked at was the National Right to Life. The main focus of their website was about how important the human life is, and informing people questioning getting an abortion about how the fetus should definitely be considered a living thing. It goes into great detail about how each trimester the fetus becomes more and more like a living thing. They talk about how abortion is unsafe and that it is not the only option, but unlike the other website there aren’t many facts to back up their points. The only facts that they bring up are the different times when babies start to show signs of life. The argument that I felt was better was the pro choice argument. I felt like they had a wider variety of points for why allowing women to choice if they wanted a child or not was better than just forcing a woman to have a baby. Another argument that I liked more about the pro choice website was that not only did they talk about making it easier for women to get an abortion, but they also talked about ways in preventing unplanned pregnancy. While as the other website solely talked about how getting an abortion is equal to killing a living thing. Even though it seems like the pro choice website would be winning the debate, they are not. After watching the video and reading the packet, more and more people are starting to sway towards pro life instead of pro choice. And people are trying to make it harder for woman to receive an abortion, which is why the pro choice website had so much information about how it should be easier to get an abortion. Looking at the two website made my view on abortion even clearer, and that is that women should be able to choose if they want to get an abortion or not. And the women who want to get an abortion should not be persecuted against during the process.

From my point of view, I do not feel that a kid my age should have to tell their parents if they are getting an abortion. At the age of 17 and 18 I feel like an adult, so I should be treated like an adult. If I for some medical mystery became pregnant, I would not want my parents to know that I was getting an abortion. Not only because it would feel like an invasion of privacy, but also because I would feel embarrassed to tell my parents that I was getting an abortion. From a parent’s standpoint, however, I feel like I would want to know if my child was getting such an important operation. I think that the best solution would be for kids to have to tell their parents that they are getting an abortion, however the parents are not allowed to stop them if they disagree with abortions. It is unfair if a kid is unable to have an abortion and is forced to support and raise a child because their parents are against abortion.

I do not think that the father needs to be notified because it is the woman’s body, and no man owns a woman’s body. The fathers are not the ones who have to live with a baby inside of them for nine months. It is the woman’s body so they should have the right to choose whether or not they want to have a child.

After looking at the NARAL’s view on Illinois’ position on abortion, it seems like they think that Illinois is strongly against abortion. They claim that Illinois has a “unconstitutional” ban against abortion, which I do not think is true because according to ROE vs. Wade, abortion is legal in all fifty states. They also say that insurance companies are not covering abortions, which I don’t know if it’s true or not. If it is I definitely disagree with it, and believe that insurance companies should be covering abortions.

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